Hapax Legomenon

The Art of the Singular

Friday, April 16, 2004

The Health Concerns

Well, it appears that I'm not as healthy as I thought I was. I just returned from the doctor's office (as an aside, the healthcare in England is much better than I was lead to believe by my "socialist-country" spouting friends and family) and was told that I have (or, more precisely, had) a spreading malignant melinoma...that's right, the dreaded skin cancer.

I guess there's not really any reason to worry too much. I had it removed nearly a month and a half ago, and I had the sense that something was going on. The doctor was great. He said that this is the kind of cancer that you'd want if you had to have cancer...I guess that should give you an indication of how scared I should be.

Really does put a damper on my planned trip to Santorini in June though.

Any way, I'll have another minor surgery on Friday of next week, which will remove an additional section of skin (as a precaution to make sure they removed all of the cancerous cells last time). After that, I'll have hospital appointments every three months or so to check on the progress...

More on this later.


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