Hapax Legomenon

The Art of the Singular

Monday, May 10, 2004

Those of you who have been paying attention (and my counter says that there are a couple of people who have stopped by) may have noticed that I have taken out some of the more obvious indications of who I am. I didn't do this out of any fear or dislike of people who might be reading these posts, but rather, I did this because I want to be able to say things here and not really worry too much about how they might impact my non-digital life.

These comments are intended as an outlet for my thoughts. If I start feeling like I have to censor myself out of some sense that people who read them will make judgments about me, then I will have lost much of the freedom that blogging has allowed me. Of course, I'm not naive enough to think that people won't make judgments about me from reading these posts, but I can, at least, feel separated from these judgments to a degree.

That being said, anyone who does stop by, I would love to hear what brought you here, and what you might be thinking.


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