Zen Errors
The full text of an error message I received recently:
"Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation"
I did a google search and found out that this was a legitimate error message and had a very technical explanation (which I didn't understand and with which I won't bore you). But, I must admit, my first reaction was that I was receiving a bogus error. It was just too poetic sounding to be the product of the Microsoft culture...I guess it just goes to show that even the least artistic among us can paint a pretty picture occasionally, even if it is unintentional.
The full text of an error message I received recently:
"Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation"
I did a google search and found out that this was a legitimate error message and had a very technical explanation (which I didn't understand and with which I won't bore you). But, I must admit, my first reaction was that I was receiving a bogus error. It was just too poetic sounding to be the product of the Microsoft culture...I guess it just goes to show that even the least artistic among us can paint a pretty picture occasionally, even if it is unintentional.