Hapax Legomenon

The Art of the Singular

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

This Saddens Me

This may seem like a small thing, but this story from the LA Times really makes me sad: http://www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/world/la-sci-romanov11-2009mar11,0,2718194.story

The main point of the story is that DNA evidence has now pretty conclusively proven that all of the Rominov family was killed in 1918. Of course, many people will know that there has been an enduring legend of surviving children (Anastasia and Alexei). Using modern DNA techniques, it has now been shown that those two children did not survive the assault.

The reason this saddens me is that it removes some of the mystery involved with life. These kinds of little mysteries are really interesting to me, and, although we say that we want to know the answers, it's always a bit disappointing when these answers come out.

Wednesday, March 04, 2009


I've recently signed up for Facebook. I'm not a huge fan of social networking, because I think that most of the people that I want to keep in touch with, I've kept in touch with in other ways. That being said, however, I think that I'm having a blast. Not for the reason that most would think though. Yes, there is some great fun in catching up with people I've not thought about in forever, however, the best thing for me is to think about the interactions that are happening.

You see, I have trouble remember many of the people who are asking to be my friends, and I have even greater trouble figuring out how much I impacted those people. This is why I feel pretty awkward asking people to be my friend, especially if I barely knew them in the past...do they remember me? Do they ever think about me? Do they think back to their past interactions with me and think well of me?

I don't mean to sound overly self-conscious. At the end of the day, I don't really care what these people think of me now, but it's interesting to think about the inequality in the power dynamic our our relationship. I'm certain that there are people who remember me more than I remember them, just as there are people whom I remember more than remember me...I'd just like to know who is whom...