So here's the deal...
It's not that I don't like my job here in the UK...actually, I rather enjoy it. I like the people that I work with. I like the work that I'm doing. I like the fact that I make my own schedule (or as close to it as I can). I like the fact that I'm making a difference in the education of lots of students (by the way, this is one of the quandaries that I found myself with when I was trying to decide whether to become a classroom teacher or an administrator of some sort...classroom teachers have very close relationships [not that close, though] with a limited number of students, but administrators have almost no relationship with large numbers of students...sometimes I still struggle with trying to understand which is the better situation to actually make a difference). And, I like lots of little things about my current situation.
On the other hand, the one major thing that I don't like is that my current situation has made my wife miserable. She and I had decided, with much excitement, to move to England while our son was still young. We figured that we would be able to do lots of traveling, and where better to start from than England? The thing is, we aren't really doing that much traveling, and my wife is VERY (I cannot emphasize that enough) homesick. She wants to be around her family (which I can understand). She wants to be near her friends (some of which I can understand...others she's better off without).
All this being said, the tradeoff is pretty clear. All of the things that I like about my job are nothing compared to my relationship with my wife. This makes the decision pretty easy.
With the goal of going back to our previous home town (Tidewater Virginia - I know, it's not a town, but it's the location of the town). I've applied for a job as a Assistant Director of Information Technology Services (Instructional Technology), and a relatively small and new University in the area. I'm not telling my wife yet, as I don't want to get her hopes up, but I'll keep you informed of the outcome.
It's not that I don't like my job here in the UK...actually, I rather enjoy it. I like the people that I work with. I like the work that I'm doing. I like the fact that I make my own schedule (or as close to it as I can). I like the fact that I'm making a difference in the education of lots of students (by the way, this is one of the quandaries that I found myself with when I was trying to decide whether to become a classroom teacher or an administrator of some sort...classroom teachers have very close relationships [not that close, though] with a limited number of students, but administrators have almost no relationship with large numbers of students...sometimes I still struggle with trying to understand which is the better situation to actually make a difference). And, I like lots of little things about my current situation.
On the other hand, the one major thing that I don't like is that my current situation has made my wife miserable. She and I had decided, with much excitement, to move to England while our son was still young. We figured that we would be able to do lots of traveling, and where better to start from than England? The thing is, we aren't really doing that much traveling, and my wife is VERY (I cannot emphasize that enough) homesick. She wants to be around her family (which I can understand). She wants to be near her friends (some of which I can understand...others she's better off without).
All this being said, the tradeoff is pretty clear. All of the things that I like about my job are nothing compared to my relationship with my wife. This makes the decision pretty easy.
With the goal of going back to our previous home town (Tidewater Virginia - I know, it's not a town, but it's the location of the town). I've applied for a job as a Assistant Director of Information Technology Services (Instructional Technology), and a relatively small and new University in the area. I'm not telling my wife yet, as I don't want to get her hopes up, but I'll keep you informed of the outcome.
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