Hapax Legomenon

The Art of the Singular

Tuesday, March 29, 2005


Hello from Mallorca...El Arenal, to be exact. Fifty meters to the beach, mid 70´s...life´s good. Especially considering the beautiful sun, and the great Spanish beer.

Today I went into Palma, the main city on Mallorca, and watched a festival dedicated to World Folk Dances. Basically, a reason for people to get together, dress in REALLY interesting costumes and dance in odd and unusual ways. It was quite entertaining to watch each country´s group walk (or dance) by. Most surprising, it would appear that lots of countries, apparently, dance exclusively to accordian and/bagpipes. I didn´t think it was possible...

Also, I saw a Canadian group...they didn´t seem to want to dance.

Pictures will be coming, once I get them digitized.


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