Hapax Legomenon

The Art of the Singular

Monday, June 28, 2004

Hello from the Beach

Well...not really...the beach is actually about a 100 yards from here, but it's close enough.

Santorini is fantastic...we've had the best experience (aside from a little food poisoning for my wife). How good is the place when you can say that food poisoning doesn't spoil the mood? Anyone who has ever wanted to get away from it for a while, I have the spot for you. Great food, great location, great weather, great time to be had.

I'll be creating a webpage with all the pictures of recent trips (or, I should say, a selected few of the best pictures from the recent trips). As soon as I have that created, I'll link it from here.

Hope everyone else is having as good a time as I am...


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