Hapax Legomenon

The Art of the Singular

Sunday, May 30, 2004

A very new sensation

Well...I've just had the very interesting experience of finding my blog linked from another blog...thanks gfd...of course, the only reason that she had linked to me was because I had linked to her, but that's neither here nor there...(I do love reading woman under construction...I think it makes me a much better husband to my wife).

I've gotta admit, I didn't get in to writing this blog to have other people read it...I'm not really sure that I say anything so fresh and unique as to warrant attention. Having said that, however, I do like the thought that people can get a little glimpse of my life. That's not to say that I'm an exhibitionist, actually, rather the opposite is true. It's more about feeling that I have an outlet for all of the thoughts that I usually keep stored away in my head never to see the light of day...and trust me, right now, the days are long in England.

All of this is prelude, however, as I'd like to thank anyone who does come here to read my thoughts. It's interesting, I was never the diary-keeper kind of person, but I really enjoy blogging. The biggest reason for this is that I work with computers, so any time something comes to mind, I can write it really quickly, which is much easier than trying to write it out in longhand at the end of the day. Also, the thought of sharing my life with other people is kinda cool. Granted, the fact that I don't really know anyone who visits this site makes it much easier to actually say what I would like to say without thinking about consequences, but, my guess is that most anyone who read this understands what I'm trying to say.


Blogger blogger girl said...

well whaddaya know...a note to me today! hiya!
yes, i did link all of the blogs that had linked me- some as a gesture- but also others because i like them. you are one that i like. thanks for the comment that reading me helps you to be a better husband. that makes my day thinking that my rambles can make a difference. like you, it is surprising to me that anyone finds my blog interesting enough to follow... and like you, i write better in this forum that i ever did in my book journals.
so- here's to blog friends and electronic keepsakes!

8:51 PM  

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