Hapax Legomenon

The Art of the Singular

Friday, June 04, 2004

Whiling Away - or Away A While...

Not sure if I'll get an opportunity to post from China, but since I'm heading out on a 6:30 am (damn...) flight tomorrow morning, I'm not sure there will be anything new on here for a while.


Blogger blogger girl said...

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4:34 PM  
Blogger John said...

Have fun. I went to China (Canton) once and it was awesome.

10:44 PM  
Blogger Kingsley said...

Yes - have a great + rewarding time in China...would love to hear all your news on return...plus any adventures you have!

4:08 PM  
Blogger blogger girl said...

ha! i wondered what pressing the little can would do...

so, to re-post my comment...have a wonderful time, lego- and i look forward to hearing about your adventures when you return! xxoo

12:51 AM  

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